Billing Issues Resolved with Software

September 24, 2019
Team Wherk
WHERK Blog: Home Service Software Can Help Businesses Eliminate Billing Issues and Get Paid Faster

For small businesses, one of the keys to success is establishing consistent cash flow. Whether you own a three-man plumbing company or a small bakery, you need monthly revenue. Some small businesses can’t afford to maintain a dedicated billing and invoicing department.  As a result, the work of drawing up and sending out invoices falls to the owner, who already has a ton of other priorities to juggle. In other cases, small businesses may dedicate a specific time of the week to creating and sending invoices.  The billing process can get slowed down, and maybe even delayed or overlooked altogether. Not getting those invoices out in a timely fashion can choke up cash flow and can cause stress. The latest small business software can bring major relief.

Speed Up Payments

The time between when a job is completed and when the invoice is sent can be a week or longer. When a small business is relying on that revenue, delays can hurt cash flow and financial flexibility. Home service software that includes automatic billing and invoicing is guaranteed to get small businesses paid faster. The software automatically produces invoices after a job is completed, and can even send the invoice directly to your customer. This automatic process eliminates the manual, time-intensive work of typing up an invoice and sending it to a client. When businesses eliminate that step, it’s straightforward and simple but can make a huge difference for cash-conscious small business owners.

Getting paid faster is only part of the picture. Get a handle on your finances from the bottom up – learn how here.

Reduce Human Error 

The manual process of creating and sending out invoices is prone to human error. Paperwork can be lost or sent to the wrong person. Office personnel can fail to create and send out a particular invoice. This could take weeks to fix, resulting in unexpected financial pressures. Also, employees can make mistakes while creating the invoice itself. These include billing for too many or too few hours, bill calculations that don’t add up, or a wrong address. There are many tiny but consequential errors that are possible while creating paper invoices. They might be mistake-free most of the time, but it only takes the rare error to have a negative impact. Mistakes hurt your business’s efficiency and its relationship with customers. With automatic invoicing, you know you’re always getting it right the first time. 

The manual process of creating and sending out invoices is prone to human error. Paperwork can be lost or sent to the wrong person. Office personnel can fail to create and send out a particular invoice. This could take weeks to fix, resulting in unexpected financial pressures.

Reassign Employees to More Productive Tasks

There’s no disputing the fact that creating and sending bills is a tedious, repetitive task. It sucks up labor hours without offering much in return. When small businesses integrate software that automates the payment process, they get those hours back. Business owners then have the luxury of deciding how to more effectively use employees’ time. That might mean several more hours a week strategizing on growth, producing marketing materials, or exploring new sales opportunities.

Ensure Professionalism 

Along with getting paid faster, business software can also enhance your company’s professionalism. Small businesses that type invoices by hand often create documents that don’t convey a strong, established company. Invoices automatically generated on the latest home service software, on the other hand, are error-free and branded professionally. Companies should aim to make a good impression on consumers. Giving the sense that they take their time, take their work seriously, and expect to be paid promptly for it. The invoices sent through business software can help get that message across. 

Free Up Your Time to Tackle Growth 

Small business owners are slaves to multitasking. They carry out the actual work they do for customers but also making sure all invoices are being sent out in a timely manner. When entrepreneurs incorporate automatic billing and invoicing into their operations, they immediately free up that time. With their minds unburdened, business owners can now tackle more exciting and important matters. These include things like strategizing growth opportunities or brainstorming ways to expand their products and services. Reducing the stress that comes with billing gives them more time to shape and execute their vision. 

Service businesses looking for a solution that’s right for them should look into WHERK. This software was designed and developed specifically for small businesses that focus on service. WHERK’s range of practical and easily integrated features include automatic billing and invoicing, custom reporting with data visualizations, mobile compatibility, and a built-in customer manager. Visit the WHERK website to explore our home service software.