There was a song in the 1980s that shot up the charts about a hard-working blue-collar woman hustling for a paycheck. That popular Donna Summer tune about a restroom attendant was titled, “She Works Hard for the Money.” What Summer didn’t call it was, “She Works Hard Out of the Goodness of Her Heart.” If you’re a small business owner, you can undoubtedly relate to this hit song’s subject. You work hard at your craft, and you deserve payment for it. This is where things can get tricky if you don’t have a solid handle on the invoice process.
The “cloud” is one of those buzzwords that everyone hears, but few actually understand what it really means. We all know it has something to do with computers, and that it sounds techy and cool, but the knowledge stops there for most people. We’re here today to demystify the cloud and help you understand exactly how it works. And what you should know about it.
It can be challenging to keep track of all of the moving parts in your small business. If there is one area where you simply can’t afford to make a mistake, it’s in the handling of finances. WHERK Home Service Software is helping businesses like yours control, manage, and report on their finances. Here are just a few ways showing how.
Being a business owner or a manager can be a challenge for a variety of reasons. One of the biggest is putting a plan in place to keep employees accountable. There’s a fine line between being a supportive manager and being a micromanager. Lean too far to one side, and your employees yearn for freedom and start to resent you. Lean too far to the other, and you strip them of the chance to learn and grow.
Plenty of situations and circumstances can strike fear in the hearts of small business owners. There’s the potential for sagging sales and the reality of having to handle multiple roles. Also, there are the complexities of managing a staff of employees. Regardless of industry, most small businesses actually reside in the people business. Which makes …
Paper-based companies spend a shocking amount of time looking for lost or misplaced documents. According to research firm Gartner, it can take up to 16 hours to retrieve a lost document and then even more time to recreate it. Resulting in a huge financial sinkhole.
In the past, the only way to keep track of field-based employees was over the phone. For operations heads, this has long been a limiting and often flawed way to manage their workforce. While field workers update you and tell you where they are in the field, keeping track of them throughout the day can prove to be a challenge.
Business software today does more than just automate the various recurring tasks that come with managing a workforce. These platforms can show small business owners how to better market their business. By 2023, it’s projected to be worth more than $600 billion. Because the industry is always introducing new technology, it can be hard to …
Conventional wisdom often suggests that while large corporations grow more advanced, small businesses retain a more old-fashioned identity. This may be true in some cases. Small businesses often operate on local or regional levels. As a result, they don’t have to win customers in a national competitive landscape. Many rivals pour millions into new technologies …
There are many incorrect assumptions about how software might negatively impact a business. These include misconceptions around the price, lack of obvious business benefits, or worries about how hard it is to use the software. These myths are particularly prevalent among small businesses. That’s a shame because in many ways small businesses stand to benefit the most from these platforms’ features. Here are a few of the biggest and most enduring myths about business software.
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