If you think attracting new customers is tough, try retaining the ones you have. Not only must you have enough brand cache to get them in the door, but you have to offer a quality product and a good enough experience to make them want to come back. With the rampant rise in popularity of online shopping, some brick and mortar locations have found a need to constantly angle for new ways to increase traffic to the store. If you’re looking for new ways to jumpstart your own customer retention efforts, you’re in luck. We’ve put together a list of three of our favorite methods in this blog post.
Only about 12% of employees leave their jobs over money, but nearly 80% exit because they don’t feel appreciated. To put it bluntly, people quit bosses, not companies. Respectful, inclusive, and collaborative working environments go a long way to improving your overall retention and employee productivity.
Contrary to what some may believe, there are still effective methods of advertising your small business that don’t involve the internet. If you just let out a gasp and clutched your chest, we understand why you’d feel that way. Between display, social media, search engine marketing, remarketing, video and email, the tried-and-true approaches of yesteryear seem all but forgotten. But the truth is, tactics like direct mail can still work if done in the right way.
While many leaders of small businesses recognize the value in a referral program as a lead generation source, less will realize the importance of process planning. In the same way, a lack of control can cause chaos in product development or in customer service, let’s say, the same can be said about a referral program. If you really want to do it right, here are four questions to ask yourself before starting a referral program.
Think about the last few purchases you made. How many of them were purely impulse buys? Where you hadn’t done any research on the manufacturer/provider, the product/service, or even spoke with someone who had? The fact is that 90% of people believe in brand recommendations from friends. Word-of-mouth marketing has never been more critical than …
There’s a reason why you’re more likely to find an old “Yellow Pages” phonebook in an antique shop than someone’s home. Like rotary telephones, black and white televisions and typewriters before it, new technology basically left the printed directory in the dust. We all know most people now go online to gather information, but did you know 90% of American adults use the internet? And they’re not just searching for phone numbers either.
For small businesses, one of the keys to success is establishing consistent cash flow. Whether you own a three-man plumbing company or a small bakery, you need monthly revenue. Some small businesses can’t afford to maintain a dedicated billing and invoicing department. As a result, the work of drawing up and sending out invoices falls …
Business software can help you manage your workforce, budget, work orders, and billing and invoicing. But while a great deal of attention is paid to how these platforms can enhance productivity and support optimization inside the company, they also create the foundation for powerful connections between businesses and their customers. Software focused on customers is commonly referred to as a customer relationship manager (CRM). The most comprehensive CRMs can dramatically impact the way small businesses access and interpret customer data, launch marketing campaigns, and develop techniques for securing retention over the long haul. These programs transform phone calls, work orders, invoices and even website visits into actionable data that feeds conversions, retention, and growth. Here we share some of the top ways software can help your small business improve its customer relationships and bulk up retention rates.
Think about any office setting from any 80s movie, and chances are there was a scene with a giant Rolodex on the desk. These rotating file devices were the method of choice when it came to storing a customer’s critical contact information. If you’re on the fence about migrating from a system that uses paper, …
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